Scandinavian Conference of Information Systems
The Scandinavian Conference of Information Systems (SCIS) is a prestigious conference held in conjunction with IRIS, and this round will be the 16th SCIS conference. Submitting a paper to SCIS is similar to any traditional Information Systems conference, and the published papers (between 20-30% acceptance rate) are presented and discussed in traditional conference format. Each SCIS paper will be assigned a discussant who, after the paper presentation, delivers their comments to the audience. Here is a link to previous years’ proceedings, to seek inspiration from.
SCIS important dates
1st of February
Submissions opened
4th of March
Submission deadline
10th of April
Notification of acceptance
9th of May
Camera-ready deadline
10-13th of August
Conference dates
SCIS paper chairs
Magnus Li
Lena Hylving
Troels Sune Mønsted